Church Renewal
Pastor Craig, Elder George Lenning, Pastor Stan, Elder Julius Fischer
BALM provides coaching and leadership support to strengthen existing churches and assist in renewal. Over the last three years, BALM has worked with several churches in their revitalization process: Grace Presbyterian (in Relay, Md), City of Hope (Columbia), and Abbott Memorial (Highlandtown).
BALM also offers one-on-one coaching to pastors and their spouses. Research has shown that an experienced coach can help pastors persevere in ministry and navigate its challenges (Lifeway, 2021).
Whether you are starting a new church or revitalizing or pastoring an existing church, coaching provides support, encouragement, and direction. Drawing from decades of ministry experience, the BALM team can tailor coaching to your needs. For more information, contact them.
Pastor Craig & Pastor Stan
“The BALM team brought a fresh perspective to all of us at Abbott. With the tools of the Church Health Assessment, they gave us new eyes to see where Abbott was. Both the good and the bad. We realized that we had been stagnant for years. So the question was, “What do we need to do?” and the answer was not, “We just need a pastor.”
We took an inventory of our core values and spiritual gifts. We did a demographic study of our community and were surprised at how much we did not know about the people who live in Highlandtown. Seeing where our core values, spiritual gifts, and resources intersected with the needs of the community gave us a vision of how we could begin to move forward. We would not have had any idea of this process much less been able to implement it without the help of the team from BALM.”
Five Ways BALM serves pastors and leaders
BALM helps equip new leaders for the church through the Church Planting & Renewal M.Div. and the Urban Ministry M.Div. programs in partnership with Metro Baltimore Seminary.
BALM can meet with pastors to listen, pray, and strategize their disciple-making within current realities, and encourage healthy integration of mercy and justice ministry.
BALM can provide leaders with updated demographic research tools to better understand their communities (MissionInsite).
BALM can support ministry wives through a Parakaleo-trained network leader and coach.
BALM offers intercultural development opportunities for churches and leaders through the Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI) and follow-up coaching. To view a webinar from the Christian Cultural Intelligence Group explaining the IDI, click here.
Whether you are starting a new church or revitalizing or pastoring an existing church, coaching can provide support, encouragement, and direction. Research has shown that an experienced coach can help pastors persevere in ministry and navigate its challenges (Lifeway, 2021). Drawing from decades of ministry experience, the BALM team can tailor coaching to your needs. For more information, contact them.
Coaching for Ministry Couples
Chris and Naomi Sicks, who are starting One Voice Fellowship in Northern Virginia, are coached by Craig and Maria Garriott.
“When my husband shared a sense of calling to plant a church, I was scared of the unknown.
Having a married couple coach us together and separately has been such a wise decision. So many questions have risen regarding work/home balance, marriage conflict, fears of the unknown, and helping children navigate the change. Chris and I have learned how to better prioritize and strategize according to the needs of the church plant stages. And always, in every coaching session, Maria points me to the gospel. What is Christ speaking or asking in each step or situation? She was an encouraging outside voice helping me navigate expectations and the process. ”
Grace Presbyterian Church, Relay, MD
“Pastor Stan provided much wise counsel and the necessary resources to begin processing who we are as a church and where the Lord is leading us, so that we can better discern who He is calling as our next pastor. The Lord has used BALM to help prepare us for the next stage in the life of our church in ways that, humanly speaking, we never would have been able to do without their help. ”
Pastor Thurman Williams, who pastors New City Fellowship West End in St. Louis, is being coached by Craig Garriott.