
The Forgotten Ways Conference March 14-15, 2025
BALM and Metro Baltimore Seminary will sponsor global missional leader Alan Hirsch, the author of "The Forgotten Ways", "ReJesus" and other books on March 14-15. Be more captivated by Jesus, more transformed & equipped to multiply disciple-makers. Prepare for the Spirit awakening Balt, DC, & the world.Spaces limited. Register now!

Discipleship Pathway Training
During this 7-week training, you will better learn how to BALM: Be with Jesus, Apprentice to Jesus, Live as Missionaries and Multiply Disciplemakers. In person Wed. nights March 26-May 7th 7:00-8:30 pm. Free! Register here.

Save the date! The BALM Gala will be held April 11, 2025. Our special guest speaker will be Dr. Thurman Williams, chair of Homeletics at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis and pastor of New City-West End in St. Louis. Dr. Williams began his ministry in Maryland, first with YoungLife and then as Minister of Youth and Outreach at Faith Christian Fellowship. At FCF he met and married his wife Evie, and the Lord blessed them with five children. He pastored New Song Church in Sandtown, Baltimore, before the Lord called him and Evie to St. Louis.

Disciple-Making Pathway Training Oct 2- Nov. 13
Join us for 7 Wednesday nights 7:30-8:45 for Disciplemaking Pathway Training. Baltimore Unbound Church Network's vision is to see gospel saturation in Baltimore and its region through cross-cultural disciple-makers in multiplying micro-churches in every community so that people know the healing, hope and good news of Jesus.

Salaam Center Project Final Push -Saturday Work Day 2
On March 24-25, we need 25 strong workers who are not afraid of getting dirty while removing old walls with plaster, sheetrock; wood partitions; ceilings; and floors, and who can carry debris to the dumpster outside. We need 20 grunt workers + 5 crew chiefs who have a basic level of construction/demolition background. Hard hats, gloves, masks, safety glasses, and proper footwear are required. TO SIGN UP, CLICK HERE.

Salaam Center Project Final Push Work Day Friday Afternoon
DEMO DAYS On March 24-25, we need 25 strong workers who are not afraid of getting dirty while removing old walls with plaster, sheetrock; wood partitions; ceilings; and floors, and who can carry debris to the dumpster outside. We need 20 grunt workers + 5 crew chiefs who have a basic level of construction/demolition background. Hard hats, gloves, masks, safety glasses, and proper footwear are required. TO SIGN UP, CLICK HERE.