Resources for Unity
With 40 years of urban, cross-cultural experience, BALM leaders are not surprised by our nation’s heightened awareness of racial disparities and injustice. We have been—and continue to be—committed to the unity of the body of Christ, and the Bible’s call to “act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). Here are some resources to get you started.
Unity Declaration
The Unity Declaration for Faith Christian Fellowship clarifies and expresses a commitment to celebrate ethnic and cultural diversity while maintaining unity. It flows from twenty years of applying principles of unity throughout the church's ministry. It reflects three years of devoted labor and prayer by the church’s multicultural Reconciliation Task Force. It speaks to urgent matters of racial justice and reconciliation, and invites outsiders to become part of a universal fellowship whose identity is in Jesus and His Kingdom. STATEMENT
How does the gospel speak to unity and diversity?
How do we grow in biblical unity as individuals and as churches? What is a Biblically sound approach to issues such as racial justice, Critical Race Theory, Black Lives Matter, and systemic racism? What is the difference between a multiethnic church and a cross-cultural church? To view the PowerPoint presentation, please click here.
To view a 70-minute video of this webinar, click here.
To view a 30-minute video of this webinar, click here.*(first 5 seconds are missing)
Stronger Together: A Gospel Lens on Unity
Stronger Together by Maria Garriott explores how the gospel provides the spiritual tools for racial and ethnic unity. Each chapter includes a personal essay, biblical analysis, and historical context. A Bible study offers readers an opportunity to reflect and discuss each chapter. As we experience more of the fullness of being God’s reconciled people, we know more of the fullness of God. For more information or to order, click here. To contact the author about speaking engagements, click here.
The Cross-Cultural Movement of Acts
In the first century, Jesus directed an unlikely band of primarily Jewish believers to “go and make disciples of all nations.” (Matt. 28:19-20). Led by the Holy Spirit, these believers shared Jesus “in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth,” and the gospel exploded across a diverse, pluralistic world.
What can we learn from the early church as we seek to reach the diverse peoples who are now our neighbors? Today, 1 in 4 persons in the U.S. is either foreign-born or the minor U.S. citizen child of a foreign-born person.
Drawing on their more than four decades in cross-cultural ministry and teaching, the BALM team can lead a series of Sunday School lessons or a weekend seminar on “The Cross-Cultural Movement of Acts.” Contact us to learn more.
The Intercultural Development Inventory®
BALM can help you and your organization to develop your cultural intelligence in order to better serve and deepen relationships with those who are different from you.
Cultural Intelligence is the ability to function effectively across various cultural contexts. To assess your current orientation in dealing with cultural differences and similarities, BAL uses the Intercultural Development Inventory®. We can also provide mentoring and coaching for those who want help to further develop their cultural intelligence. For more information, email or visit The Christian Cultural Intelligence Group.
To view a webinar from the Christian Cultural Intelligence Group, click here.
Additional Resources
Only four in ten white practicing Christians believe America has a race problem. Whether it represents a starting point or simply a next step for your church, Barna Research’s 2019 report, Where Do We Go from Here? is intended to bring context to important conversations and contribute to a broader understanding of race relations in our present moment. For a free digital or paperback version download, click here.
To hear an interview on NPR with Rev. Dr. Irwyn Ince, Coordinator of Mission to North America (PCA) and founder of the Grace D.C. Institute for Cross-Cultural Mission about his book The Beautiful Community, click here. To hear an interview with Dr. Ince on the I Heart PCA podcast, click here.
Confused about “Black Lives Matter” and “All Lives Matter”? To read an article and hear an interview with Dr. George Yancey, author of Beyond Racial Gridlock” Embracing Mutual Responsibility, click here.
To read the full study committee report, “Ethnic Diversity in the Potomac Presbytery” (2002), click here. To read the 13-page extract, click here.
BALM hosted an online Hour of Prayer for our nation that brought together concerned believers from across the region and nation. The guide is attached here.