A BALM for our Nation: Prayer
Is Prayer Eating Up Our Time?
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
1 Timothy 2:1-4
The first charge that the Apostle Paul gave to Timothy, the young co-worker he left in Ephesus to shepherd the church there, was prayer. While Paul gives several charges to promote and deepen the gospel in Ephesus, the first criteria for gospel-shaped living was prayer. God’s people must practice this first order of the gospel-shaped life: prayer.
In light of the primacy of prayer, we encouraged the students in our MBS Church Planting & Renewal (CPR) and Urban Ministry (UM) tracks to attend Paul Miller’s seminar, “A Praying Church.” (Some of you might know Miller's excellent book, A Praying Life.) Shvan Sangana, a student in the CPR track said, "Prayer is a prerequisite to everything you do. Prayer starts the war, breaks the barrier-- or we just beat our head against the wall in ministry.”
Paul Miller says, "Prayer is the nuclear engine of the church, the central trigger for the ongoing power of the Holy Spirit, the fuel line, the heart of the church. Prayer is how all prevailing gospel ministry advances and is sustained. When we slow down to make sure we are leaning on, and trusting Jesus, God is doing more. Prayer has to keep eating up our time."
BALM incorporates weekly prayer in our missional culture. The staff meets several times a week for prayer, and also pray for our donors weekly. Let us know if you have specific requests. Our Father hears us!
BALM hosted an hour of prayer for our nation on Wednesday, Jan. 13th. To download the prayer guide of scripture verses, click here.
May we continue to realize the importance of prayer, and make it a key feature of our lives.