BALM Approved, and a Confession
“…as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.”
With deep gratitude I want to thank you for your prayers.
The motion of the Mission’s Committee for BALM to be an official partnering mission work of the Chesapeake Presbytery for disciple-making movements and church planting was unanimously approved.
I have a confession.
The original mission of BALM the week before submission read:
to build cross-cultural leaders for disciple-making movements to serve the church and church planting for a multi-ethnic society — — — in coaching and internships, theological training and justice-mercy ministry integration for Baltimore and beyond.
Do you see what is missing? “through saturated prayer.”
Gratefully, the Holy Spirit reminded me (after a 6:30 a.m. prayer meeting with other prayer warriors at FCF) that it didn’t matter how well we crafted the vision, and how much education and experience we tapped for BALM, if the Spirit of Christ was not leading and empowering this mission. Without Christ, it’s empty. It’s dust in the wind.
I needed to repent and I need to keep repenting and relying of the Lord if there is to be any fruition of BALM.
So I am asking you to pray that I would keep repenting and keep praying for me and for BALM.
Would you be willing to continue in this first order of help?
Thank you so much.
Here are some specifics:
Pray for God’s guidance and provision for the next lead pastor for Faith Christian Fellowship.
Pray for time, focus, creativity and wisdom for writing foundational works for BALM.
Pray for our purchase and renovation of a house on 41st Street for leadership residency and BALM offices.