BALM Launch
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.”
I covet your prayers for the approval of a motion before the Chesapeake Presbytery tomorrow morning (Tuesday, May 8) to affirm BALM (Baltimore Antioch Leadership Movement) as an official partnering mission of the Chesapeake Presbytery in leadership development for disciple-making movements and church planting.
As many of you know, I have been a pastor in transition. In His rich grace, God called Maria and me to plant and then pastor Faith Christian Fellowship 38 years ago. Over time, I have sensed Christ’s call to steward my experience to serve the missional needs of the church at large to help develop emerging leaders and church planters. As FCF’s pastoral search committee is diligently pursuing the next pastor, I have been working with leaders to lay the foundation for this new missional initiative, BALM.
The mission of BALM is “to build cross-cultural leaders for disciple-making movements to serve the church and church planting for a multi-ethnic society through saturated prayer in coaching & internships, theological training and justice-mercy ministry integration for Baltimore and beyond.”
At this point BALM is only a vision. I really don’t know if it will become a reality. But 38 years ago, Maria and I didn’t know if the mission work in Baltimore that became Faith Christian Fellowship would ever come into existence. Christ has built and will build His Church, His beloved Bride. So by faith, in our feeble attempt to seek His Kingdom, we are stepping out once again.
Would you step out with us in your prayers? Thank you so much.