Exciting New Developments at BALM!
God is fulfilling our dream for an interdenominational seminary serving the Baltimore metro area! We are delighted to announce that Metro Baltimore Seminary will open a second site this fall. Freedom Church, located near the intersection of the 695 Beltway and 95, will join Chapelgate Presbyterian as a host site for MBS classes.
Freedom Church is an enthusiastic supporter of local, accessible, accredited, church-based seminary education.
Freedom's founding pastor Michael Crawford says, "I tell young people here not to go away to seminary. I tell them to go to Metro Baltimore Seminary to get equipped for gospel ministry."
Baltimore Antioch Leadership Movement's next mercy-justice project will be to help Freedom Church renovate two classrooms for use by MBS. This will probably take place in April--stay tuned for details!
Other leaders who have heard of MBS are working to expand this seminary model to Japan and Sri Lanka in the near future. We give glory to God!
For this expansion, BALM needs to raise $12,000 for scholarships to assist new students and underwrite costs. MBS is able to provide accessible, affordable seminary training (approximately $6k for a three-year accredited M.Div. degree) because it has no salaried staff; all staff serve through the support of their churches, non-profits like BALM, and other employment. We believe that adding a second site in Baltimore city will strategically advance MBS’s mission. Would you stop now and pray that God will provide these funds? If you can help provide these scholarships, please mail your donation to BALM or give online.
In other news, Associate Executive Director Stan Long is now working full-time with BALM. Craig and Stan have served in ministry together since 1981, when Stan led a campus ministry that partnered with newly-launched Faith Christian Fellowship for an urban outreach. Stan and Terri moved to Chicago for seminary, and later returned to Baltimore to serve Forest Park Presbyterian Church. Here’s a photo from 2000, when Stan joined Craig on staff at Faith. (They say they miss the rest of their hair.)
This next season, Pastor Stan will raise financial support, continue to teach church history at MBS and serve as Dean of Admissions. By assisting Craig in the Church Planting and Urban Ministry cohort meetings, they model a seasoned multi-ethnic leadership team. Also, in keeping with BALM's goal to help churches revitalize and embrace our very diverse 21st century world, Stan is serving Grace Reformed Presbyterian (PCA) as interim pastor. He and the church covet your prayers as they seek to be renewed by the power of the gospel.
The BALM website and BALM Facebook page has new video of BALM's first mercy-justice project with New Song Community Church! This version, by photographer, FCF member, and MBS student Julian Hague includes some amazing drone footage as well.
WE PRAISE GOD for our faithful donors, and pray for you! If you have specific prayer requests, please let us know.
We appreciate you for regularly praying for us as we seek to multiply Christ-centered, cross-cultural disciplemaking leaders for Baltimore and beyond!