BALM’s First Year—Look at God!
BALM’s First Year—
Look at God!
The BALM team:
Stan Long, Maria Garriott, Sarah Johnson, Craig Garriott
What a year it has been! As we consider how God has worked to fulfill BALM’s vision of multiplying Christ-centered, cross cultural leaders for disciple-making movements for church planting and renewal for Baltimore and beyond, here are some the highlights:
We completed the renovation of 535 East 41st! Friends and donors gathered for the BALM office dedication ceremony in September. In addition to providing offices, the space provides kitchen facilities and space for leadership meetings, for our Church Planting track and Urban Ministry track cohort meetings. The BALM headquarters also provides an additional 3 disciple-making leader residences. In January, the first resident moved into the residential portion of the home.
In September, BALM assisted New Song Community Church (PCA) in our first mercy-justice project. BALM staff conducted extensive pre-planning work and project evaluation to select appropriate contractors, determine the scope of the project, and coordinate with the church staff to ensure a successful volunteer event complete with meals, t-shirts, registration, etc. Nearly 70 volunteers assisted professional landscapers to create an oasis of beauty in Sandtown, one of Baltimore’s most challenging neighborhoods. BALM successfully raised $12,000 needed for the project. Video and photos can be found on the BALM website.
Both Pastor Craig and Pastor Stan taught classes at Metro Baltimore Seminary: Craig teaches New Testament Survey, which takes students through the disciple-making movements in the Gospels, Acts and Epistles, and traces God’s mission in church planting movements.
In December, BALM hosted a gathering for MBS seminary students (and other interested parties) featuring a presentation by Dr. Andy Devos on the racial history of Baltimore. The BALM office was packed with 25-30 people who were interested in this important topic, which is important as we consider contextualizing the gospel for this region.
BALM co-sponsored the Chesapeake Presbytery’s first annual retreat. BALM staff and volunteers provided the vision, the administrative help and even the music for this retreat. Matt Bohling of Flourish Ministries shared how healthy church revitalization should lead to growing movements of church planting. We are planting the seeds for such renewal in these gatherings. We are working with presbytery leaders for another retreat next year to encourage this movement.
In November, the board hired Maria Garriott to work 20 hours a week as BALM’s Director of Communications and Special Projects with Intercultural Development. She has provided great administrative strength, spearheading efforts to relaunch the website, manage donor communications, send out newsletters, assist with social media, and help with many other duties. Maria, a certified Parakaleo coach, is also teaming up with Craig to coach church planting couples as part of BALM’s mission.
On Dec 31, BALM’s Associate Executive Director Stan Long ended his years as Associate Pastor at Faith Christian Fellowship and transitioned to working full-time for BALM. He will teach church history at MBS, serve as Admissions Director, and join Craig in providing leadership in the church planting and urban ministry cohort meetings. He will also assist Grace Reformed Pres. (PCA) as interim pastor for this next season. Through Pastor Stan, BALM will have a key role in helping Grace church think through their next season. The leaders we are equipping are watching a seasoned multi-ethnic leadership team in action.
We are so thankful for those whom God encouraged to partner with us for this inaugural year. This first year of ministry has been more than we could have imagined! To God be the glory!