Two Are Better Than One
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work” Ecclesiastes 4:9
This 1981 photo shows our earliest leadership team in front of the Garriotts’ newly-acquired five-unit, former-slumlord house in Baltimore. These InterVarsity students and staff workers helped launch Faith Christian Fellowship (FCF). The bearded man on the left is Stan Long, the InterVarsity Baltimore Area Director, and his recent bride Terri. I’m holding the camera. Maria had just given birth to our firstborn, Rebecca.
That summer, God launched more than a missional church in Baltimore. He initiated a deep friendship and cross-cultural leadership team that by His grace became a forty-year partnership to advance the redeeming-reconciling-restoring mission of God. Our friendship and common vision led Stan and me to work together in many Kingdom endeavors even as we pastored in different areas for the next two decades. Then in God’s good providence, He united our work again in 2000, when Stan joined me as Co-Pastor of FCF for the next two decades.
Some years ago, our elders asked Stan and I what we saw after our ministry at Faith. We started to dream about how to steward our four decades of ministry in planting, growing and multiplying disciples in an increasingly multi-ethnic society. Out of that grew BALM’s vision and mission to multiply cross-cultural leaders for disciple-making movements for church planting and renewal for Baltimore and beyond.
This year, we watched God launch Metro Baltimore Seminary (MBS) with over 40 seminary students; establish BALM headquarters with leadership mentoring, coaching and discipleship residencies; and launch the first mercy-justice project with New Song in Sandtown. In 2020, we plan to add a second site for MBS in Baltimore, and help plant one reproducing church per year even as we continue to encourage the renewal and outreach of existing churches.
This has been an amazing year of building a foundation, infrastructure and disciple-making leadership ministry. God graciously carried me as BALM’s first full time staff through the generosity of individuals, churches and missional entities. Maria then joined as part time staff, raising her support. As Stan officially joins BALM’s staff in 2020 as Associate Executive Director, we anticipate God’s continual guidance and provision to advance His Kingdom.
Stan will teach and serve as Dean of Admissions for MBS, and partner with me to provide cross-cultural leadership in the Church Planting & Renewal track and the Urban Ministry track of MBS. Stan also serves as BALM’s board president. Stan’s leadership for BALM, his partnering work and friendship is immeasurable.
Although Stan will officially become a BALM employee in January, he will not take any salary for the first six months because of the generous support of FCF. Stan and I agree that our united leadership team is critical for the missional advancement of BALM and therefore will share equally in BALM’s support development and possible deficits. God has been faithful to us over these past 40 years and we look to Him to continue.
Both Stan and I are praying for individuals and entities God is raising up to partner with BALM for their blessing and the advancement of His Kingdom. We are so grateful for all those who have made this launch year possible and ask you to pray about joining BALM as a partner and a regular monthly donor if you haven’t yet. Thank You for your prayers and support in God’s mission of BALM.
(Our 1998 Pastors in Black photo. Because you can't take yourself too seriously.And we miss having more hair...)