What Did Jesus Promise? How BALM Helps Prepare Leaders
Ben Rogers and Shvan Zangana collaborate during their Tuesday evening class at MBS@Freedom.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations… And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matt. 28:18-20
It's a comfort to remember Jesus is with us "to the very end of the age." We delight in this promise and in his ongoing work as we seek to go and make disciples of all nations. God is building his church, even in the midst of Covid.
BALM is fulfilling our mission to "multiply cross-cultural disciple-making leaders for Baltimore and beyond" by facilitating affordable theological training at Metro Baltimore Seminary (MBS). BALM helped launch MBS in 2019, and designed, sponsors, and oversees two Master of Divinity programs. Rev. Dr. Craig Garriott serves as Dean of Church Planting and Renewal, and Rev. Stan Long serves as Dean of Urban Ministry. Pastors Stan and Craig know the strength of cross-cultural team leadership, and co-lead the monthly cohort meetings where students discuss class material, hear from guest speakers, and explore contemporary issues in ministry.
In September 2020, MBS opened its second site at Freedom Church site in northeast Baltimore. This makes affordable, accredited seminary training even more accessible to students from Baltimore city and county, and for students who travel from Pennsylvania and New Jersey! BALM renovated and oversees the MBS@Freedom Church site.
Female MBS students and wives of male students enrolled in ministry programs expressed a desire for training and support. Maria Garriott has begun to gather these women for online monthly training. Maria discussed BALM as a panelist on a recent Mission to North America webinar ,"Ongoing Ministry in Uncertain Times." Watch it here.